Partner With Us

IDFAPA is run 100% on donations and charitable contributions from individuals, small businesses, and corporate sponsorships. Please consider partnering with us as one of our annual sponsors and become a member of the ‘village’ caring for Idaho’s foster children.

Small Business Sponsorship

Less than 25 employees
Membership BenefitsBRONZE
Recognition in monthly email
Social media spotlight
Recognition at events

* As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations made to the Idaho Foster and Adoptive Parent Association are tax-deductible.

** Gold sponsors which donate $2500 or more on an annual basis will earn an 8×10 plaque on our sponsor wall located in our Southeastern Idaho storefront. 

Large Business/Corporate Sponsorship

Businesses over 25 employees
Membership BenefitsEMERALD
Recognition in monthly email
Social media spotlight
Recognition at events
Inclusion in website sponsors

* As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations made to the Idaho Foster and Adoptive Parent Association are tax-deductible.

** Diamond sponsors which donate $5000 or more on an annual basis will earn an 8×10 plaque on our sponsor wall located in our Southeastern Idaho storefront.

Some of our wonderful

Sponsors & Partners

K&D Electric

DR Constructions & Sons

Three Ways To Donate

Visit us online at to set up a secure online payment to Idaho Foster and Adoptive Parent Association.

Email us at and let us now how you want to help.

Complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Ready to become a sponsor?

Join Our Cause


What sponsorship are you interested in?

Small Business Sponsorship
Large Business/Corporate Sponsorship